General Hospital
Superior General Hospital

Severance Hospital
As the first in Korea to pursue quality improvement in medical service through the specialization of medical care, Severance Hospital manages specialized hospitals including Rehabilitation Hospital, Cardiovascular Hospital, EYE Hospital, and Children’s Hospital, Emergency Care Center, International Health Care Center, and Cancer Clinic. In addition, Severance Hospital endeavors to enhance the standard of the medical service in many ways, such as advocating the “Patient’s Bill of Rights” in 1993 and obtaining Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation.
International Health Care Center The Most Visited Korean Hospital by Foreigners for Eight Consecutive Years. Opened in 1962, korea’s first international clinic has been providing high-quality medical services to foreign patients. In the international health care center, specialists who are fluent in english provide medical care and interpretation services for russian, chinese, japanese, middle eastern and mongolian patients. The center helps foreign patients in their complete recovery through limousine services for vip foreign patients, fast track medical care personalized to the schedules of foreign patients, exclusive lounges, on-call services, and follow up (smart e-health system) after returning home. As a result, severance hospital has established itself as the most visited korean hospital by foreigners for eight consecutive years.
■ Specialized Centers
World-Class Medical Techniques And Technology
- Comprehensive Cancer Care: Total Care Covering Cancer Prevention, Treatment, And Post-Cure Care
- Professional Treatment System: 13 Specialized Cancer Centers And 5 Specialized Centers
- Difficult Cancer Surgery Team: Comprehensive Patient Treatment For Advanced Cancer
- World-Class Surgical Performance
- Coronary Artery Disease Surgery:An Average Of About 2,000 Cases Per Year
- Arrhythmic Disease Treatment: An Average Of 1,300 Cases Per Year
- Combined Heart Deformity Surgery: Mortality During Hospitalization 2.3% (5.8% In The US)
- Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVI) Complication: 1%
- Treatment Of Heart Structure Defects And Vascular And Heart Valve Abnormalities: Complication Rate 0.6%
- Atrial And Defibrillation And Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Transplantation: Success Rate Close To 100%
Rehabilitation Hospital
- The First World-Class, State-Of-The-Art Robot Rehabilitation Center Opened In Korea (2018).
- First Computer-Controlled Walker (C-Brace) Manufactured In Korea (2019)
- Rehabilitation Treatment Specialized For Various Conditions Including Stroke, Brain Injury, Spinal Injury As Well As Pediatric Rehabilitation And Amputation Rehabilitation, Etc.
- “Early Rehabilitation Program” Through Organic Consultation Between Departments Of Internal Medicine And Surgery
Robot Surgery
- The First 20,000 Robot Surgeries In The World (2018)
- Minimized Scarring: Scarring Is Minimized Through A Minimally Invasive Approach To Surgery.
- Sophisticated Surgery: High-Resolution 3D Robotic 3D Images Are Utilized, And Slight Movements Of The Surgeon’S Hands Are Corrected.
■ Latest Major Medical Achievement
Since its first introduction in 2005,Severance Hospital performed over
10,000 robotic surgeries using daVinci robotic surgical system as of
November 2013, which is the world’s first achievement as a single
Although robotic surgery iscutting-edge medical technology, it isusually employed in limited cases, suchas prostate cancer.
However, Severance has garneredastonishing success and widened thehorizon of robotic surgery by operatingon patients with thyroid cancer,stomach cancer, and colorectal cancer.
Furthermore, Severance has introducedthis technology to earnose-throat (ENT),open-heart surgery, cardiovascularsurgery, obstetrics & gynecology, and neurosurgical fields.
Severance Robot and MIS(Minimally Invasive surgery) Center
Severance established the Asia-PacificEducation Center, which specializes in robotic operations.
With the support from da Vinci surgical system creator Intuitive Surgical Inc.,Severance is increasingly developing its capacity for technologicaladvancements.
Local doctors and nurses from 10 majoruniversities as well as large-scalehospitals in the U.S., and over 600doctors from across the world havevisited Severance to observe robotic surgeries.
Our Successes
Today, an estimated 96% of all prostatecancer patients that underwent roboticoperations are disease free. Roboticsurgery has thus become standard in treating all prostate cancer cases.
At Severance Hospital, prostate cancersurgeries account for 28% of all robotic procedures.
From 2005 to 2013, the hospitalexperienced an increase in the numberof prostate cancer robotic surgeriesfrom less than 10 to over 2,800surgeries.
Thanks to successful roboticsurgical procedures, the hospital notonly matches but also exceeds thesuccess rates of renowned hospitalsworldwide.
Specialized treatment
robotic surgical system
Health care professionals
Hospital beds
Business hours